NFSC Firepup® Program Logo Donate to NFSC, Inc.

National Fire Safety Council, Inc. works with U.S. fire departments to provide quality fire safety educational materials to your community.
Happy, Safe Children

Your generous donation makes this possible.

Create a Recurring monthly Donation


  1. Recurring Donation Options: Choose your recurring donation option.
  2. Program Number: Enter your department's program number found on the Chief letter that you've received.
    - Program numbers are used to ensure your local department receives the benefit of your donation.
    - Any donation made without a program number may be used for general purposes.
  3. Name: Enter your name or business name.
  4. Press the "Subscribe" button.
  5. On the next page confirm your subscription options and enter your payment info.

*If you'd prefer to donate a recurring amount not listed please call us at 1-877-435-7777.

Recurring Donation Options
Program Number
Business Name - Name:

Note: PayPal account NOT required.

Other Ways To Donate